The pineapple core is the inner portion of the pineapple with a tougher texture and higher fiber, which is less juicy than the pineapple flesh. Most humans don’t like to eat pineapple cores because of their higher fibers. But some animals love to eat pineapple core, and the rabbit is one of them.
“Yes”, you heard right, rabbits eat pineapple core. They love pineapple core as much as they love pineapple. So if you think that you will serve pineapple core to your rabbits, then give them without any worries.
Today we gave pineapple core to our pet rabbits (Cleo and Dot) to see if they can rabbit eat pineapple core or not. We provided pineapple cores in the morning time and saw that Cleo and Dot enjoyed their meal and ate all the pineapple cores that we gave to them.
Here we will share the details of today’s experiment, and we will tell you how much pineapple core we provided to our rabbit and how much core you should provide them according to their ages. Additionally, we will also tell you the right way to serve the pineapple core to the rabbits.
Can Bunnies Eat Pineapple Core?

Yes, bunnies love to eat pineapple core, but you have to serve the right amount of core to them to ensure a balanced diet.
Also, make sure that your bunnies are adults. Otherwise, don’t give them pineapple core, even pineapple.
It’s not a hard task to get pineapple core for bunnies, and you can get core from every pineapple core.
So, next time when you will buy a pineapple, of course, don’t waste the core. Give it to your rabbits by maintaining the amount.
Although pineapple cores are not so juicy as pineapple flesh, because cores contain more fibers and tougher textures, pineapple cores are safe for rabbits.
So you can give pineapple core to ensure a balanced diet once or twice a week. They also like to eat guava.
Let’s See How Much Pineapple Core We Provided To Our Rabbits

We provided 8 grams of pineapple cores to our Cleo and Dot during breakfast.
But why only 8 grams? Because of the fibrous structure and to maintain a balanced diet.
Yes, we maintain a balanced diet for our rabbits; if you want to maintain a balanced diet for rabbits according to their age, then you should take a look at our rabbit food chart.
It’s easy to collect pineapple cores, and you can separate cores from pineapple using to easiest methods. For your convenience, let’s see how you can separate pineapple core from pineapple.
Before starting the process, wash the whole pineapple and dirt or debris from the skins. By the way, some of you ask us if rabbits can eat pineapple skins. In our previous article, we gave pineapple skins to our rabbits during breakfast, but the results were disappointing.
Anyway, after washing the pineapples, carefully cut the top and the bottom of the pineapple using a sharp knife. Now you can do the following:-
Method 1:
When you cut the pineapple top, you can see the core. The core is visible, round in shape, and less bright than flesh.
You can cut it using your sharp knife and remove the whole core (from up to bottom). Then slice it lightly and give the perfect amount of core (not the whole) to your rabbits.
Method 2:
If it is hard for you, slice the pineapple into four pieces. Then again, cut the core from every slice; it is easy but not well-organized.
We follow method 1 to take out the core from the pineapple. Although you can see pineapple leaves with the core, the leaves were just to make the picture organized. But when you cut, of course, cut the top first.
But don’t throw the leaves because rabbits can also eat pineapple leaves. Anyway, after taking out the core, we sliced and tooled three lightweight slices, which were 8 grams.
Moreover, we took that amount of core for both of our rabbits. But for your two adult rabbits, you can take up to 20 grams of pineapple core and 10 grams for each.
Can Rabbits Enjoy To Eat Pineapple Core?
Yes, rabbits enjoy eating pineapple cores. And our today’s experiment proved that because the result of the experiment was decent.
Out rabbits ate the whole pineapple core, which was 8 grams. And both of them are almost the same (4 grams for each).
We noticed when we served pineapple core as their breakfast; they literally jumped into the food race. The view was like we were watching a rabbit food race.
But when we served other foods, like pineapple leaves and skins, we noticed that first, they smelled and took 10 seconds to decide whether they would eat or not.
But when we served pineapple core, they didn’t smell. They start eating in such a way that it looks like they are used to that food.
But, truly, today was their first day with pineapple core. And before serving food, we were also confused like you, can rabbits have pineapple core? But Cleo and Dot smashed our confusion, and they gave a decent result.
They ate the whole 8 grams of pineapple core within 1 minute, and nothing was left. According to our observation, if we give 20 grams of pineapple core at that time, they can eat the whole.
But to ensure a balanced diet and healthier breakfast, we only provided 8 grams. And then we provide their other regular foods like hays, grasses, pellets, and other foods.
To get better information and to see live experiments, we also share the video, where they are eating pineapple core. So if you want to see a live experiment, you can watch this video.
Well, if you directly want to see the result of this video, then skin the video and take a look at this chart.
Rabbits Names | Food Items & Weight | Eat Or Not (Yes Or No) | Percentage Of Eating | Percentage Of Residual |
Cleo & Dot | Pineapple Cores (8 Grams) | Yes | 100% | 0% |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is It Safe To Eat The Core Of A Pineapple?
A: Yes, it’s 100% safe to eat pineapple core, although the core is not as juicy as pineapple flesh. Additionally, the core is fibrous and tougher, that’s why most people don’t eat them. But some animals love to eat pineapple cores, including rabbits.
Q: Is Pineapple Core Safe For Rabbits?
A: Of course, pineapple cores are safe for rabbits, but you shouldn’t give a huge amount of core at a time. Also, don’t give pineapple core regularly to your rabbits, it’s not healthy. You can give a certain amount of pineapple core to your adult rabbits once or twice a week.
Q: Is Pineapple Core Soft?
A: No, compared to pineapple flesh, pineapple core is not so soft and juicy. But yes, it’s edible, and rabbits can eat it easily.
Q: Can Rabbits Eat The Middle Of Pineapple?
A: The middle of the pineapple is called “pineapple core”, yes almost all rabbits eat pineapple core. If you never try pineapple core on your rabbits, then give them a little bit and see how they react.
If they like, then give them the right amount of pineapple core. Remember, eating too much pineapple core is not safe for rabbits.
Do you have any other questions about rabbit food, rear, breed, care, and name related? If you have, then feel free to ask us, and we will answer all your questions.
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Useful Links: Benefits of Pineapple Core, About Eating The Core