Can Rabbits Eat Guava? – We Tested It

Guava is a well-known fruit which is known for its unique flavor and taste. The taste of guava can be described as a combination of sweet and tangy. Not just tasty guavas are highly nutritious and contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Although guava is nutritious and tasty for humans, are they safe for…

Guava is a well-known fruit which is known for its unique flavor and taste. The taste of guava can be described as a combination of sweet and tangy. Not just tasty guavas are highly nutritious and contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber.

Although guava is nutritious and tasty for humans, are they safe for rabbits? And can rabbits safely consume guava? Or are there any side effects or risks of guava on rabbits?

Okay, today we will answer all of your questions about guava and rabbits. And these answers will be based on our real experiment, because today morning time we gave a little amount of guava to our rabbits to see whether they actually eat or not.

Our rabbits ate all the guavas that we gave to them as a treat. So, let’s jump to the article and describe how and how much guavas we gave to our rabbits. And how often you should give guavas to your rabbits.


Is Guava Safe For Rabbits?

First of all, make it clear to you that is guava safe for rabbits. Yes, guava is totally safe for rabbits, and rabbits can safely consume guava. As well as considering safe foods, guava is nutritious also.

Yes, guava contains vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and other essential compounds which are beneficial for rabbit’s health. Although the availability of guava depends on the region, guava trees are mostly found in tropical and subtropical regions.

Especially guava trees are widely found in South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia. In addition, considering the species and region guavas color can vary, but there are mainly four colors, and these are green, yellow, pink, and white.

Although guavas are available all over the world, because modern worlds can preserve all types of foods by freezing, transportation is also faster compared to our past.


How Much Guavas We Gave To Our Rabbits?

Today we gave 12 grams of ripe guava to our rabbits Cleo and Dot to see do rabbits eat guava or not. We serve guava to our rabbits before their morning meal. And surprisingly our rabbits ate all the guava.

How Much Guavas We Gave To Our Rabbits
Image – How Much Guavas We Gave To Our Rabbits

We selected white guava because white guava is popular and available in our region. So, for you who want to know can rabbits eat white guava, now it’s clear to you that rabbits eat white guava.

Not only white guava rabbits eat all types of ripe guavas. Anyway, you may be thinking why we just gave only 12 grams of guavas to our rabbits, because if we divide 12 grams with 2 rabbits, then 6 grams for each.

There is a reason, why we gave only 12 grams of guavas. First of all, rabbits’ digestive systems are familiar with fibrous foods like grasses and hays. They can easily consume these types of foods.

Similarly, some fruits are safe for rabbits, but rabbits can’t eat those fruits in large amounts at a time, like mangoes, guavas, and others. By the way, rabbits also love to eat ripe mangoes, mango peels, and even dried mangoes.

Yes, dried mangoes are considered rabbit’s favorite foods, and we have a complete experiment about can rabbits eat dried mango or not. Check this experiment to know more about rabbits and dried mangoes.

Anyway, the summary of why we gave a little amount of guavas to our rabbits is we are very careful about their health. And to ensure a healthy diet we gave only 12 grams of guavas.


Preparing Guava For Rabbits: Skin, Seeds and Portion Sizes

Now let us describe how we prepare guavas for our rabbits, and how our rabbits behave during eating. This part will explain the result of our experiment, so keep reading.

First of all, we took fresh guava, basically, the guava was from our garden tree, so there was no risk of other harmful chemicals. The guava was with small branches and leaves, and we separate them and took the guava only.

By the way, our next experiment will be about do rabbits eat guava leaves or not, so stay connected with us, to see that experiment. After collecting guava from a tree we washed it to remove insects and dirt, and then wiped it and make it dry.

Then we took a sharp knife, by the way, we didn’t peel off the guava, because guava peels are edible. Additionally, our guavas peels are not bitter, if your one tastes bitter then of course peel off your guavas.

We sliced the guava using a sharp knife, and the slices were small. We kept those slices small so that our rabbits can eat them easily. Also, small slices are easy and comfortable to bite. From those slices, we took only 12 grams, which was only 2 slices.

By the way, we have already told you why we took only 12 grams. Anyway, when we are cutting guavas we noticed that both of our rabbits are smelling and looking for their upcoming foods. Maybe they tried to taste their foods by smelling them.

And when we just kept the slices they didn’t smell for a single moment, they start to eat instantly and they took almost 3:30 minutes to eat them. Compared to other foods, they took more time, maybe for seeds.

Yes, we didn’t remove seeds from guavas, and our rabbits ate guavas with seeds, that’s why it took more time. And in our next experiment, we will give only guavas seeds to our rabbis and will check it can rabbits eat guava seeds or not.

So, subscribe to our blogs to get every update from us. Both of them ate almost the same amount, and during eating their behavior and movements were normal. And after eating they searched for more guavas, but we didn’t give them more, since we maintain a healthy diet.

How our rabbits ate, we make a video of how rabbits eat guavas. Here is the video you can directly watch the result of our experiment from here.


Don’t waste your time if you are a busy person, here is the summary of the rabbits and guava experiment.

Rabbits Names Food Items & Weight Eat Or Not (Yes Or No) Percentage Of Eating Percentage Of Residual
Cleo & Dot Guava (12 Grams) Yes 100% 0%


Benefits and Risks Of Feeding Guava To Rabbits

For rabbits, feeding guava has both benefits and risks. Yes, you are hearing right, guava can make a bad impact on rabbits, if they eat a large quantity of guava.

Not only guava but also all types of fruits are not familiar with rabbit’s digestive systems. Because rabbits most like to eat grasses and hays, their digestive systems are also familiar with these types of foods.

Anyway, first of all, let’s take a look at some benefits of feeding guava to rabbits:

  1. Almost all species of guavas are good sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals
  2. Guava contains high water which keeps rabbits hydrated
  3. Rabbits like to get treated by us, so you can treat them with guava once or twice a week

These are the benefits of feeding guava to rabbits. But make sure that you are not giving guava to your rabbits every day. And now take a look at these potential risks of feeding guava to rabbits.

  1. Guava contains high sugar, eating too much guava is not good for rabbits
  2. Guava contains oxalates, and this compound can contribute to the formation of kidney
  3. Guava can make an effect on rabbit’s digestive system


How Often Can Rabbits Eat Guava Fruit?

Although guava is a nutritious fruit for both men and rabbits. Men’s digestive system can easily consume guava, even we can eat guava every day.

But Rabbit’s digestive systems are so sensitive, and they can’t consume fruits properly. Because their digestive system is more familiar with grasses compared to fruits.

Although guava is safe for rabbits, you can’t give them every day. So how often you should feed guava to your rabbits? Well, it can be once or twice a week.

Moreover, you can’t give guava to rabbits as their proper meal, give them guava just as a treat. For a single rabbit less than 10 grams of guava is safe at a time.

Hope it’s clear to you how often and which way you should follow to serve guava to your rabbits. If this article is helpful to you then of course subscribe to our blogs and share it with your rabbit’s lover friends.

Here we try to publish regular experiment results of our rabbits. If you have more questions about rabbits and guava or rabbits and other fruits then comment on the below.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a bunny’s favorite fruit?

A: There are lots of fruits that are safe for rabbits, and among them, some are favorite rabbits because of their taste, nutrition, and flavor. Here 5 fruits that are considered the favorite of rabbits.

  1. Apple
  2. Pineapple
  3. Strawberries
  4. Blueberries
  5. Banana

Q: Can rabbits eat the skin of guava?

A: Today, during the experiment we gave guava fruits to our rabbis, and we didn’t remove their skins. We saw our rabbits eating guava fruits comfortably with skins. But we didn’t try with only guava skins.

But our next experiment will be about that topic, we will serve guava skins to our rabbits to see how they eat, so stay connected with us.

A: It depends on the size and age of the rabbits. But on average you should give 10 grams of guava to your 1 rabbit at a time. Since guava contains high sugar and oxalates, eating too much guava is not safe for rabbits’ health.

Q: Can guava be a part of a rabbit’s regular diet?

A: No, don’t add guavas to rabbit’s regular diet, because guava is tasty and harmful for rabbits at the same time. Guava contains high sugar and guavas are not familiar with their digestive health. You can give guava to rabbits as a treat once or twice a week, not as a regular diet.


Related sources: Risk of Feeding Guava to Rabbits

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